10.11.2014 | 12:15
November settles in
The autumn has been warm this fall. 12 degrees green grass and no frost. Now that we are closing to the holidays we are preparing ourselves to the cold that we are used to here in Kristiansand in winter. I remember when I first came to Norway, more snow that I have ever seen In my life and I come from Iceland. The temperature was minus 15-20 and the snow was here until end of May. I remember seeing a person on skis on the frozen Mandal River. Now almost five years later it is warmer. Global warming or not this is not normal either.
I always get a sense that Christmas is near when November begins. Christmas presents need to be organized and finance around Christmas planned.
Yesterday it was fathers day. I am so lucky to be the father of a ten year old girl and a six month old boy. Got a fathers day gift delivered to me when we woke up with some nice things to our little one to enjoy. I then spent the afternoon with my oldest one ( that lives with his mom) in the woods hiking for few hours. We stopped at a local lake and made a bonfire and grilled hot dogs over the fire. That I have not done for a while. Warmed my heart and enjoyed the company.
I wonder why we dont celebrate thanks giving. So many reasons why we should be thankful:
- I am thankful for that I have a family. Not all do appreciate their own. Remember some people have no one.
- I am thankful to be living in Norway and appreciate all the freedoms we have as a society and here in the Nordics we are free to live our lives are we best feel fit.
- I am thankful to have a roof over my head and food on my plate. So many in the world have to eat to survive. I however have never thought of food as survival but as a given right. Roof over my head is not something that all have. We must remember that.
- I am thankful that I am a father to two and have a spouse that I appreciate more and more every day.
- I am thankful for my health. Remember to appreciate yourself. Treat yourself with respect and treat your body as your temple. You only have one, now take good care of it.
- I am thankful for that we have not experienced war where we live. Today millions experience war every day. Thankfully we dont. Appreciate that.
- Be thankful for the people that have made a positive difference and or helped you and had a pisitive influence in you life.
So why are we complaining? Some one does not have all the good things in your life.
Now surprise your nearest and dearest with an invitation for a good turkey dinner and warm welcome although this is not a local custom in some places.
Eldri færslur
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