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sneak peak into my day

I woke up this morning bright and early.  the day passed by like a flash as at the office I was busy with fuel bias calculations for our fleet.  Later on after work.  Me and my family went to a one year birth day party.  The birth day boy is a joyful little fellow, cute as a button as my wife would say. We had a good time, had some birth day cake and then moved on. 

This evening has been spent relaxing in my pajamas.   My daughter insisted on me reading for her fairytales of elf’s. The language is some what not for the 2000 generation as It is written in old Icelandic.  It may have been similar to trying to read Shakespeare to your kid some evening.  Naturally this caused all kinds of fun questions.  Thats one of the things I like in these little kids, going right to the core of things with their questions. Why? is the usual question as many of you have experienced as parents. Just fun but some times challenging making the answer to the question acceptable and parental friendly. 

I guess our government here in Iceland reacts mostly in the same way as parents do when confronted with a challenging question by a child.  "No no my dear boy Iceland is not bankrupt, in fact everything will be just okay after Christmas".  Well I have to agree with Penn Teller on this one "Bull s***".  

The research goes on for the family's secret project.   Now much of our spare time goes in to research and calculations if this will pay off.  Well, the risk is not so big as the rock I am standing on (was called Iceland in some older versions of geography school books) is technically not on planet earth any more.


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