Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, desember 2007
15.12.2007 | 09:43
Jóla álfurinn minn / My Christmas elf
Mig langaði að deila með ykkur jóla álfinum mínum. Það er hún dóttir mín hún Ástrós. Hún er alger jóla álfur. Hún er 3ja og hálfs árs. Það eru sunginn jólalög allan daginn (kann texta af öllu þarf bara að heyra það 1-2 sinnum). Ég veit að allir krakkar elska jólin (þ.e.a.s. ef að þau fá að upplifa jól). Hún Ástrós t.d. hleypur upp í rúm liggur við strax eftir mat vegna þess að hún er svo spennt að vita hvað hún fær í skóinn daginn eftir. Þetta er yndislegt, þetta eykur jólaskapið mitt um 200% að hafa hana trallandi jólalög og að sjá jóla spenningin í henni. T.d vorum við að kaupa jólagjöf handa mömmu hennar um daginn og hún trallaði þegar við vorum að skoða það sem að var keypt ég elska jól tralla ralla la. Það bræddi alveg búðar konurnar.
Þessi jóla álfur minnir mig á lítinn strák sem að hlakkaði mikið til jólanna þar hann var lítill, sumsé ég. Ég held að við almennt viljum upplifa til hlökkunina sem að við áttum í okkar þegar við vorum yngri í gegnum börnin okkar. Ég týndi jólunum í nokkur ár og hafði ekki fundið þau síðan að ég var lítill þar til þessi litli jóla álfur hún dóttir mín kom til sögunnar. Hér eru nokkrar myndir af jóla álfinum mínum.
I want to share with you my Christmas elf. The elf is my daughter Astros. She is a total Christmas person . No wonder as she is 3 and ½ years. She sings Christmas songs all-day long (picks up the lyrics after 1-2 times of listening). I know all kids like Christmas ( i.e. if they get to experience it). She runs to bed after dinner in a hurry, mainly to wait for Santa (there are 13 in iceland). This boost my Christmas mood my 200%. For example we where shopping a gift for her mom and she was singing at the counter in the store I love Christmas lala.. ralla la that melted the store clerks heart. This actually remind me of when I was little how she acts. I think generally we want experience the good feeling we had ad Christmas when we little, that we do as adults through our children. I had for example lost Christmas and was not a particularly much Christmas person ( apart from when I was little) un til Astros came along. Here are some photos of my Christmas elf.
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 09:46 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (1)
11.12.2007 | 10:05
Heint land miðað við danmörk / Iceland cleaner than Denmark
Danish television staff came to Reykjavik few days ago. They where amazed how little garbage and junk was on the streets of Icelandic towns. They where comparing garbage and how clean the streets where in Reykjavik compared to Copenhagen, Denmark. One person they asked Why is Iceland so clean? the Icelander promptly told the reporter that Iceland has a natural garbage disposal system, the wind. Last night actually we had wind gusts a maximum of 60 m/s that is 134mph. Thank god for our concrete houses. The only thing missing from our garden this morning was the trampoline and the garbage. I use to live in a town near the airport when I was growing up Keflavik, that is until I was old enough to flee to the suburb of the capital Reykjavik (Hafnarfjordur). Keflavik is always windy and we had a saying that if the winds where calm then it would be very busy in the ER because of people falling on they´r faces due to the people are so used to crab in to the wind.
Christmas is coming and we have baked 6 different types of Christmas cookies. My daughter Ástrós is so exited that I get every day the same question Is Christmas to morrow?. To night the first Santa ( Stekkjastaur) will arrive. And give goodies to children that behave. We have thirteen Santas that come one by one 13 days before Christmas starting to night 11th December and ending on boxing day. The children put their shoe to their bedroom window and Santa will put something nice into the shoo if you have been nice. But if you have been naughty you may expect a peace of old potato.
Here is more info on Icelandic Santa
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 11:52 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (1)
2.12.2007 | 10:07
Undirbúningur aðvent jóla / Preparing Christmas
Svona er þegar kona tekur til við jóla undrbúning.
This is how a woman starts the christamas preperation
Þetta skeður þegar maðurinn hennar reynir að hjálpa.
This happends when her husband tryies to be helpful.
Kökuskrímslið hefur verið upvakið.
The cookie monster has been awaken. all cookies beware!
Bloggar | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)
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