Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, september 2009
19.9.2009 | 16:54
...The saga continues / .. Áfram heldur sagan
I woke up this morning by the sound of my daughters voice " Dad I want breakfast". I pulled my self out of bed and made breakfast for us all. I even decided much to my wifes amazement to bake Croissants for breakfast. She has told me some times that I am as romantic as a brick. I surprised her by bringing breakfast to bed ( one point ) and baking Croissant (*tji zing* one point again). Not bad getting freshly baked Croissant to bed. Two points for me yeah!!!
Afterwards I drove our little princess to her ballet lesson. While she was doing her thing I decided to pamper our car a little bit. Clean in side out.Some times I amaze my self even though I can be as stubborn as a log some time and act as the dad in "According to Jim" show. And I found out that I still can be a little romantic some times.
Ég vaknaði snemma í morgun við hljóð. Röddin hennar ástrósar braust í gegnum draumhúmið. ´Pabbi ég vil fá morgun mat. Ég ákvað að búa til morgun mat handa familíunni. Ákvað að baka Croissiant fyrir okkur. Hulda hefur stundum sagt mér að ég sé jafn rómantískur og múrsteinn. Ákvað að leiðrétta þann misskilning og koma og vinna mér inn nokkra rómó punkta. Kom henni á óvart með því að koma með morgunmat í rúmið (eitt stig þar) og bakaði Croissiant. Ekki slæmt að fá ný bakað bakkelsi í rúmið. Tvö stig fyrir mig.
Eftir á keyrði ég prinsessuna í ballett tíma. Notaði tímann til að gefa bílnum smá dekur. Þrifinn að innann og utan. Stundum kem ég sjálfum mér á óvart með frammistöðu þó svo að ég geti verið jafn þrjóskur og trjádrumbur og láti eins og pabbinn í According to Jim.Bloggar | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
17.9.2009 | 00:00
sneak peak into my day
This evening has been spent relaxing in my pajamas. My daughter insisted on me reading for her fairytales of elfs. The language is some what not for the 2000 generation as It is written in old Icelandic. It may have been similar to trying to read Shakespeare to your kid some evening. Naturally this caused all kinds of fun questions. Thats one of the things I like in these little kids, going right to the core of things with their questions. Why? is the usual question as many of you have experienced as parents. Just fun but some times challenging making the answer to the question acceptable and parental friendly.
I guess our government here in Iceland reacts mostly in the same way as parents do when confronted with a challenging question by a child. "No no my dear boy Iceland is not bankrupt, in fact everything will be just okay after Christmas". Well I have to agree with Penn Teller on this one "Bull s***".The research goes on for the family's secret project. Now much of our spare time goes in to research and calculations if this will pay off. Well, the risk is not so big as the rock I am standing on (was called Iceland in some older versions of geography school books) is technically not on planet earth any more.
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 09:54 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
13.9.2009 | 22:08
Iceland Jokes
what do Iceland and Atlantis have in common? ...both vanished for unexplainable reasons!
What is the difference between me and Iceland? ...I'm heading somewhere ( far far away)
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